Que: - Advantages/disadvantages of script vs compiled program ?
Ans: -
1. In the shell, every command creates a process itself.
2. It is Slow Processing and takes the too much size in memory.
3. It is easy to write a program in a shell script with add-on modules like grep, sed, awk etc.
4. The whole code of shell is in the text file ASCII Character.
5. For executing we need to change the permission +x OR sh.
Compiled Program
1. In the whole Program after compiling, it creates a one executable file.
2. A one program creates one process in the memory during executing of a program.
3. Here is the code after compiling it converted into Binary code.
4. It is a very fast execution and output of a program.
5. It also has compatibility problems between the different platforms.
Que:- Write a script to list all the differences between two directories.
echo "Enter First absolute dir path."
read path1
echo "Enter Second absolute dir path."
read path2
if [ $path1 -a $path2 ]
echo path is valid
p1a=`cd $path1|ls -l |awk -F" " '{print $9}'|wc -l`
p2a=`cd $path2|ls -l |awk -F" " '{print $9}'|wc -l`
p1b=`du -h $path1`
p2b=`du -h $path2`
echo -e size of dir is: $p1b == $path1\n
echo -e size of dir is: $p2b == $path2
echo -e files in: $p1a == $path1\n
echo -e files in: $p2a == $path2
echo path is not valid
Que:- Write a program in any language you choose, to reverse a file.
1. sed –n ‘1!G; $p; h filename
2. perl -e ‘print reverse <>’ filename
3. cat cc|while read line
a=`echo $line|wc -c`
while [ $a -ge $i ]
aa=`echo $line|cut -c$a`
echo -e "$aa\c"
a=`expr $a - 1`
echo -e "\n"
done > bb
4. sed -n '1!G; $p ;h' bb
5. cat file|rev
6. perl –e ‘print scalar reverse <>’ filename
Que:- write a shell script to find ward in the result of displaying all employee name?
a=`sqlplus -S / as sysdba<<eof
set heading off;
set feedback off;
set pagesize 200
connect scott/tiger;
select ename from emp;
echo $a|awk '{print $4}'
Que:- Send email from your machin to your gmail account?
mailx -s "subject" email@identity
"type something........"
ctrl-d to close
Que:- See the result of SQL statements in Browser with CGI?
"create a file with any name and write these contant in this fil"
echo Content-Type: text/html
export ORACLE_HOME=/u0/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
export ORACLE_SID=aman
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
sqlplus -S scott/tiger << EOF
set feedback off
set markup html on
select * from emp;
AFTER we open recent upper file in BROWSER
Que:- Download and Install JDeveloper on Solaris?
run java -jar oc4j.jar -install
You run upper command without "INSTALL" option you open it on browser with port no 8888
set JavaHome
chmod 755
./jdev &
Que:- Using JDeveloper write a java program to connect to DBA and find out the ename from scott table?
IN View Tab --> connection navigator---> click
click on DATABASE tab and create an SQL connection with username or passwd(scott/tiger)
and test connection ("listener and oracle must be running")
right click on created connection and select SQL worksheet.
write SQL statement (select * from emp);
click on the upper execute tab;
after that, you show the list of all employee tables.
Que: Write a shell script for import/export zipped a file and copy to other location and send an email once it was done.
vi expprvn8p1full.sh
echo "Export Started at: `date`"
expdp system/pump5k1n directory=DPUMP dumpfile=PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp logfile=PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.log FULL=Y
gzip /u002/exp/PRVN8P1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp
scp -p /u002/exp/PRVN8P1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp.gz oracle@dloradb15:/u001/PRVN8D1
scp -p /u002/exp/PRVN8P1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.log oracle@dloradb15:/u001/PRVN8D1
ssh oracle@dloradb15 chmod 644 /u001/PRVN8D1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp.gz
ssh oracle@dloradb15 chmod 644 /u001/PRVN8D1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.log
echo -e "$ORACLE_SID : Full DB Export completed, File: PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp.gz has been copyed with log.\n\n Thanks & Regard \n Rajesh"|mailx -s "Export Job: $ORACLE_SID Completed on `date`" -c joan.reilly1@bms.com rajesh.kumar16@hpe.com
echo "Finished: `date`"
nohup sh expprvn8p1full.sh > expprvn8p1full.log &
Que: Write a shell script for import/export zipped a file and copy to other location and send an email once it was done.
vi expprvn8p1full.sh
echo "Export Started at: `date`"
expdp system/pump5k1n directory=DPUMP dumpfile=PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp logfile=PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.log FULL=Y
gzip /u002/exp/PRVN8P1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp
scp -p /u002/exp/PRVN8P1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp.gz oracle@dloradb15:/u001/PRVN8D1
scp -p /u002/exp/PRVN8P1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.log oracle@dloradb15:/u001/PRVN8D1
ssh oracle@dloradb15 chmod 644 /u001/PRVN8D1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp.gz
ssh oracle@dloradb15 chmod 644 /u001/PRVN8D1/PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.log
echo -e "$ORACLE_SID : Full DB Export completed, File: PRVN8P1_REQTASK0578156_FULL.dmp.gz has been copyed with log.\n\n Thanks & Regard \n Rajesh"|mailx -s "Export Job: $ORACLE_SID Completed on `date`" -c joan.reilly1@bms.com rajesh.kumar16@hpe.com
echo "Finished: `date`"
nohup sh expprvn8p1full.sh > expprvn8p1full.log &
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